With Tabitha Bear

World Herstory

A podcast celebrating badass women from around the world and throughout history. Listen in to World Herstory Podcast starting May 3, 2023.

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More About The Podcast

Feed your curiosity about the show’s beginnings.

First Episode

Margaret Cochran Corbin

May 3, 2023

Recent Episodes

Episode 2

December 6, 2023

Episode 3

January 24, 2024

Episode 4

February 1, 2024

What People Say

Meet Your Host

Tabitha Bear with purple hair blowing in her face.

Tabitha is a Lënape traveling photographer and writer. She helps people meet the world one story at a time and inspires them to write their own adventure. Her blog focuses on folklore, road trips, and photography.

She is also co-founder of Kithakàna Adventures. A company dedicated to providing unique travel experiences through group trips.

Creating the podcast World Herstory is another platform she’s excited to utilize to help share the true stories of incredible women from around the world.

The Ever So Lovely
